Employer Recertification
Account Info
Employer Details
Contact Details
Please type the visual verification code below:


Help Instructions

In this form you re-enter your application data, in case you already are a e-Services registered user but have lost / forgotten both your Encoded Key and your Username or Password.

Fill-in all the required fields that possess an asterisk (*).

  • Username: It must consist of 8-12 latin characters or digits.
  • Password: It must consist of 8-15 characters and include digits. The higher the combination of alphanumeric and special characters you enter, the stronger and safest your password will be.
  • Verify Password: Enter the same text with the Password field for verification purposes.
  • At the Visual Verification Code field you need to enter the characters that you discern at the image directly above it. If you are uncertain about the content of the visual verification image, please click the "Refresh" link.

After pressing the Save button, the values you entered in each separate field will be checked for validity. In case of a mistaken entry, an appropriate error mesage shall appear suggesting which fields are invalid. If the validation check is successful, your registration application will be stored to the system.

The next step is to print the registration information that will appear on-screen and bring them to a NSSF Branch Office.

There an additional check of your application data will be performed and you shall be provided with an NSSF Encoded Pin Key.

«Reset»: This button automatically clears every completed field within the form and allows data re-entry.

Application Notice
You have remained inactive for a large period of time.
You will return to the homepage.
List of Postal Codes
(1 of 1) pppp
Postal Code
(1 of 1) pppp