Employer Activation
Account Activation Info
Help Instructions

In order to activate a user account that you have created at the "User Registration" step, you need to enter in this form the NSSF Encoded PIN Key that you have obtained from the NSSF Branch Office.

The completion of the following three fields is required:

  • Username,
  • Password
  • Encoded NSSF Pin Key

In case of Encoded Key loss, you shall not have the ability to change your password.

In order to obtain a new Encoded Key, you need to submit a new registration application via the «User Re-registration» option.

«Activation»: the values you entered in each separate field will be checked for validity. In case of a mistaken entry, an appropriate error mesage shall appear suggesting which fields are invalid.

«Reset»: This button automatically clears every completed field within the form and allows data re-entry.

User Account Activation
User activation has been successfully completed
Application Notice
You have remained inactive for a large period of time.
You will return to the homepage.